Honduran Drinks

Honduran Drinks

Honduran Drinks - Non-alcoholic RefrescoВ - soda or fruit juice drink. Licuado - aВ В smoothie from fresh fruit or fruit juice, milk and/or ice and/or yogurt...

Honduran Horchata

Horchata is a staple drink in Honduras. Origins of Honduran Horchata Horchata originates from Egypt & Sudan where they originally used the chufa nut...

Honduran Atol de Elote

Atol(e) De Elote (Sweet Corn Drink) is a traditionalВ Central American beverage. ItВ is basically a sweet, smooth, and thickened drink made from mostly corn. The...

Honduran Banana Bread

Origins of Banana Cultivation Bananas were discovered by the Portuguese on the east coast of Africa and brought to the Canary Islands where they were...

Honduran Drinks

Honduran Drinks - Non-alcoholic RefrescoВ - soda or fruit juice drink. Licuado - aВ В smoothie from fresh fruit or fruit juice, milk and/or ice and/or yogurt...

Honduran Baleada

Baleadas are one of Honduras most characteristic and famous foods. A baleada is a wheat flour tortilla, generally quite thick, filled with mashed fried beans...

Honduran Pupusas

What are Pupusas Pupusas are quite similar to corn tortillas but they are thicker and stuffed with meat , cheese or beans. They originated in El Salvador, but...